The Ashoka Diamond is one of the most famous gems on the planet. Part myth, part legend, the history of this fiery gemstone is shrouded in the mists of time. Named after an Indian ruler who governed his people with compassion and peace, the story behind the Ashoka legend stretches back to 626 BC. Rumor has it that the diamond was imbued with the characteristics of this famous ruler, and that the diamond carries the power to grant happiness, peace and harmony to all who wear it. The original diamond is a 41-Carat flawless gemstone with a unique and distinctive cut which allows all of the purity, and clarity of the fire within, to shine upon the world. Image by Getty Images via @daylife
The modern Ashoka Diamond refers to a cut diamond that is inspired by the original stone. William Goldberg developed the first modern Ashoka cut and it has become known as one of the finest and most exclusive types of cut diamond across the world. Based on the antique cushion cut, the modern diamond cut stays true to the original brilliance with 62 individual facets which are able to reflect and refract the fire within. The Ashoka cut can be used for all types of jewelry, and each diamond is a work of art in itself.
The cut of an Ashoka piece of fine jewelry is distinctive and immediately recognizable. True diamond lovers will always seek to include a piece of Ashoka cut jewelry in their collection and the beauty of owning an Ashoka diamond is that it is like carrying a fragment of history into the modern age as a fitting tribute to the legend of Ashoka.
William Goldberg’s goal was to create things that brought a smile to peoples faces, and he succeeded time and time again. Goldberg not only made people smile, he brought awe to their faces with the breath taking stones he created. Goldberg bought, sold, and created some of the world’s most radiant stones. He started in the Diamond District of 47th Street and maintained part of the historic West side area after his proclaimed fame as a gem dealer. Goldberg believed in family and values. Staying where he began was important to him. Doing what he loved was his passion. Image via Wikipedia
Goldberg served three terms as the Diamond Dealers Club president. He was known for cutting a gem to the fraction of its original size to make sure every stone lived up to its full potential and would dazzle all those that laid eyes on its enchanting beauty. Goldberg believed that each stone had its own unique beauty and he carved until he found the luster inside the stone. Goldberg is responsible for some of the most precious, expensive and rare stones in the world.
The Blue Lili is a 30 carat trapezoid blue diamond. Goldberg named the diamond after his dear wife Lili. It is said that as he carved the stone, its powerful character and exquisite color reminded him of his wife.
The Briolette is a 75 carat diamond that was delivered to Goldberg at 160.5 carats. Once the diamond was carved and shaped to perfection allowing light to reflect from every angle of the piece it was certified by the GIA as being the largest Briolette shaped diamond graded at that period in time. The certification reflects his passion for perfecting every stone he touches as if he understands the stones from the inside out.
William Goldberg’s touch and love will forever remain in every gem he ever handled.
Image via WikipediaJewelry containing beautiful Ashoka Diamonds makes the ultimate gift for any occasion. There is simply no better way to say, “I love you, “ than with a gift of a striking piece of diamond jewelry. These diamonds have a deep brilliance never before seen in any other diamond. They are the most exclusive and chic addition to any jewelry collection. There is nothing else like them in the entire world. The unique 62 facet cut allow them to take on a sparkle and brilliance that will not be outdone by any other diamond.
The precise way in which the cuts are made on these diamonds in addition to the size is what sets them apart, both in beauty and in originality. The woman who wears an Ashoka is sure to turn heads. When she leaves, people will remember her always, both for the sparkle in her eyes and the sparkle in her diamonds. Diamonds provide a visual experience that leaves an impression in the mind’s eye long after they are out of sight. They are that beautiful.
The distinguishing characteristics of the Ashoka cut are their precision cuts, rounded edges and deep brilliance. These gems are perfectly symmetrical, yet each retains an original look. The color and clarity make them among the most highly sought diamonds on earth. These are unforgettable diamonds, meant to be passed down from generation to generation. Without question, Ashoka Diamondswill stand out from all the rest as the most compelling. There is no better way to celebrate an anniversary or a birthday than with one of these lovely gems.
The Ashoka Diamond is created by master diamond cutters who use maximum quality standards to make these superb creations. The highly precise cuts make each diamond catch the light and sparkle unlike any other diamond. The facets are precisely designed to give optimum light refraction, resulting in an effect that is absolutely stunning.
This diamond provides a remarkable visual awareness that is almost indescribable. It is no wonder the Ashoka is among the most sought after diamonds in the world. The value and distinction offImage via Wikipediaered by a diamond of this quality is not something to take for granted. These diamonds are worn by celebrities, and are highly revered the world over.
Ashoka gems are perfectly symmetrical, yet unusual at once. The color and clarity of these beautiful diamonds make them stand out among all others. These are special diamonds, ones that are unforgettable. One glance will explain why they are such highly prized treasures.
Even in the simplest setting paired with any diamond carrying the Ashoka cut can make it look like the most luxurious extravagance in the world. Each angle of these exquisite diamonds is matched perfectly. The way the light dances around inside actually makes it look as though the diamond has a life of its own. There is nothing else quite like them.
By rounding the corners of the original design that this diamond was influenced by, the Ashoka jewelers created an even more radiant flicker that is found only in the finest jewelry. The rough that is required to cut diamonds in this fashion is extra long, therefore making these lovely Ashoka Diamonds quite extraordinary.
Buying a piece of Ashoka diamond jewelry is a personal statement. It says as much about the wearer as your choice of clothing and your style. The distinctive diamond cut is original and while the cut is highly recognizable across the world of true diamond lovers, each gemstone is set in a unique and unforgettable setting. The true beauty of this type of cut is the brilliance and shine that it gives. Named for the legend of the original Ashoka Diamond, this cut is desired today for its value and shining beauty.
An Ashoka diamond cut is based on the original antique cushion cut and the rectangular shape and the individually cut facets on each stone. Diamonds are rare, and diamonds that can withstand the touch of a master cutter to take the shape of the Ashoka diamond are even more rare and precious. When cutting an Ashoka diamond, up to half of the diamond is cut away, leaving only the brilliance and fire of the stones facets. The beauty of this type of cut is more than skill or a steady hand can produce. It is about passion, commitment and creative artistry. That is what each piece of Ashoka jewelry means.
You can use an Ashoka cut diamond to create any piece of jewelry imaginable, and some of thImage via Wikipediae most original pieces have been sculpted using this type of diamond. Part of the eternal beauty of an Ashoka diamond is its versatility, and ability to enhance the natural beauty and harmony of the wearer. From nobility to the nouveau princes; from celebrities to connoisseurs, everybody who has an eye for diamond jewelry has a piece of Ashoka diamond jewelry as part of their collection.
A gift of any piece of beautiful Ashoka cut diamond jewelry has the potential to make an impression that will last a lifetime. The graceful design and exquisite workmanship that goes into each item creates a piece of jewelry to be treasured always. The settings are stunning, but the diamonds themselves are the real show pieces. There are no other diamonds quite like these. They are some of the most highly sought diamonds in the world, and for good reason.
You can expect to find an assortment from the select jewelry stores that carry the Ashoka cut signature diamonds. Bracelets that wrap gently around the wrist and sparkle in the light, necklaces that adorn the neck, rings that appear to have movement directly in the stones themselves as the hand moves. Each piece is timeless. Each piece is incredible. Image via Wikipedia
Diamond earrings that carry the superb Ashoka name are marks of class, distinction and prosperity. They are imaginatively and gracefully inspired to create a stir within the hearts of anyone who sets eye on them. This is diamond jewelry that says a woman is special, a force to be reckoned with. This is the diamond jewelry that Cleopatra would surely have worn, had she been able to procure them. These pieces speak of gentle strength and glamour.
Each setting for these diamonds is made of the finest metals. There are over 62 specific cuts in order to prepare an Ashoka diamond. Each diamond is meticulously set into place and secured to insure it will remain firmly in its place throughout a lifetime. These are high quality pieces sold only in the finest jewelry stores. Ashoka cut diamond jewelry is the perfect way for her to adorn her body, to make a statement and to tell the world she has arrived.
Possessing superlative sparkle, exquisite the Ashoka Diamond is cut according to exacting standards that are dictated by expert precision. The facet placement on this precious gem marks the unparalleled beauty of a work of fine art. It is classic, timeless and highly revered the world round. This modified version of the antiquarian cushion cut, bestows a fresh, modern appearance that imparts enduring appeal. The mystery and aura of this diamond are emphasized by the intricate detail of the symmetry and unique angles found on no other cut. The amazing clarity and pure, unadulterated color are unsurpassed, making it among the most prized diamonds on earth. One glance at this splendid jewel will impart a true understanding of why diamonds are an international symbol of love.
The original diamond cut of this type was a magnificent 41.37 carat D that was absolutely flawless. It was named for a Buddhist emperor warrior whose grandfather founded the Mauryan dynasty. After engaging in fierce battle for many years, he came to understand the importance of peace and went on to build many beautiful and ornate temples that symbolized this realization. This diamond is the embodiment of all these things. It has fierce fire that is tempered by serene beauty, instilling an elegant interplay between the two visual sensations. It is an arresting jewel that is, at once, calming and evocative.
The standards, by which these stunning diamonds are exacted, surpass those of even the most famous manufacturers of diamond jewelry. The diamond’s presence is determined by professionally-evaluated, perfect symmetry and polish that offers scintillating light dispersion and brilliance beyond compare. The angle, size and shape of each unique facet is vitally important to the overall geometric objective set by the highly-skilled diamond cutters who laboriously apply their skill and expertise to achieve the perfect cut.
The William Goldberg Corporation, who has recently recreated, brilliant, the Ashoka Diamond cut has plans afoot to include their version in a line of luxury watches that will include six styles priced upward from $200K. Image via Wikipedia