If you are looking for one of the most sought after gemstones in the world, then you may be looking for the Ashoka Diamond. There is only one original Ashoka, but the William Goldberg Diamond Company put theirown spin on the Ashoka by using a modified antique cushion cut to bring you the Goldberg Ashoka. The Goldberg Ashoka is truly a remarkable and beautiful diamond. With 62 facets expertly designed to radiate a brilliant light from the stone, the view is breathtaking.
Goldberg’s vision when designing the signature cut was to capture the essence of the Ashoka legend. The original, and now the re-created version, are named after the Buddhist warrior-emperor of the same name. In 626 BC, Ashoka had a realization that the only way for his people to live was by promoting harmony, respect, and compassion. The ruler had his beliefs carved in stone and sent across his country, and the empire he ruled beyond the country’s borders. The beliefs of the kind ruler can still be found etched in stone today.
In order to give the Goldberg Ashoka a feeling of peace, harmony, love, and respect, the William Goldberg Diamond Company spent a great deal of time planning and designing the diamond cut. Each rough stone is picked with care by experience gemologists, every cut is made with precise and deliberate movements, and care is taken to polish each facet of the Ashoka diamond to a specific tolerance ensuring the most clarity and beauty possible. The fact that the specific diamond cut is exceptionally rare only adds to the feeling of joy and love when you are lucky enough to receive one of these gemstones.