Size Considerations
As you know, diamond size is measured by carats. Pieces of jewelry commonly have diamonds that range from small chips to one or two carats. More expensive pieces of jewelry might have larger diamonds, but an Ashoka diamond starts off with a rough that is 15 carats in size. These aren't your everyday roughs, so immediately a diamond has to be pretty large as a rough to even qualify for being cut to the Ashoka standard. In fact, only about 200 roughs are found each year that qualify to become Ashoka diamonds.
The Final Cut
Once a rough qualifies for being cut as an Ashoka, it goes into the hands of a master jeweler for the cutting process. The Ashoka diamond, when it is complete, will have 62 brilliant facets and be shaped in a broad, somewhat rectangular shape. In fact, the shape of this unique cut makes diamonds appear much larger than comparable diamonds cut to another standard. In other words, Ashoka diamonds just look bigger.
Clarity and color also figure into the totality of any diamond. Ashoka diamonds have very high standards for these two factors as well. When you see an Ashoka diamond in all its brilliance, you'll understand why discerning jewelry fans consider them to be the best in the world.