The Size of the Diamond
To start off with only a limited number of these diamonds are made each year, due to the limiting factor of size. Every Ashoka is made from a rough diamond that is 15 carats or more in size. As you can imagine, these 15 carat roughs simply don't appear every day. In fact only a handful of them are found each year. The scarcity of diamonds found that are large enough to meet the Ashoka standard means that most of the world's diamonds cannot simply be called an Ashoka unless they meet the minimum size standard.
Of course color, clarity and brilliance also figure into the final product that a is called an Ashoka diamond. There is a special cut applied to these diamonds by cutting experts that results in a brilliant 62 facet final product that is absolutely breathtaking. Ashoka diamonds are all defined by this unique cut.
To really appreciate an Ashoka , you need to see one. No words can describe the elegance and beauty of these truly rare gem stones.