Famous Pieces
Some of the world's most talked about and precious pieces of jewelry have come to notoriety due to the hard work and expertise of William Goldberg. For example, the awe inspiring, 137 carat Premier Rose, is one of the most spectacular and talked about diamonds in the history of the world. This beautiful diamond, of course, was presented to the world by this prestigious diamond company. There have been many other diamonds that are shockingly beautiful, like the 89 carat Guinea Star. Simply put, this company is one that is synonymous with the most stunning diamonds ever to be seen by human eyes.
The Tradition Continues
The company is part of a proud, 50 year commitment to the bringing the best diamonds in the world to people everywhere. Discerning diamond customers know that when they get any diamond, be it a small, but brilliant piece, or a larger one, like an Ashoka diamond, that they are getting the absolute best diamonds the world has to offer. William Goldberg continues to make the finest, most coveted diamonds in the world available to their customers.