The Ashoka Diamonds are designed to be the ultimate in clarity and brilliance. The cut of the diamond is truly a thing of wonder that brings out the clarity and brilliance in an outstanding way. The Ashoka a cut means that every diamond has 62 brilliant facets. The final effect of this stunning cut is a true thing of beauty in this world, which is hard to compare to anything else.
Named for an ancient Buddhist leader in India, the Name Ashoka invokes thoughts of peace and prosperity. The diamond of the same name surely does the same for those who are fortunate enough to possess one. Every Ashoka Diamond is made from a 15 carat diamond. Since only about 200 rough diamonds of this size are found each year, it's easy to understand just how rare and precious the Ashoka is, and how truly special it is to be able to own one.
You can find diamonds at stores everywhere and on the ring fingers of people throughout the world. An Ashoka, though, is something that you just don't see every day. Once you see one, they are impossible to forget, and truly deserve to be followed with the "rare gem" tag-line that no other diamond deserves.